Allianz Smartcard CA
Allianz Smartcard CA is a Sub-CA of Allianz Root CA II.
Its purpose is to issue
a) authentication- and
b) encryption certificates for employees.
Enrollment is triggered through application for an employee SSO card by the employee's "LegBA".
Certificates and correspondent private keys are written to hardware-tokens (employee "SSO cards").
Authentication certificates are published to Allianz Group Directory.
Certificates issued by Allianz Smartcard CA are used for the following purposes:
- Windows Domain Authentication
- User Authentication within Intranet (IND/GIN)
- User Authentication with VPN-Gateways
- Encryption of SafeGuard LANCrypt TM user profiles
(They are currently not being used for E-Mail Encryption for which purpose within Allianz Group software certificates by Allianz UserCA are used.)
Click here to learn about or download the Allianz Smartcard CA Certificate.